Jesse Gardner
Lab / Office: PSC 533 / 521
Tel: 404-413-5370
Targeted RNA /DNA Protein Detection Services
Cell, Protein and DNA Core Facilities
About Nanostring technology Services
Data is reported within 2-3 business days after each sample run. following the Core receiving all requisite probes ans Sample Cartrideges, which can be purchased by the researcher directly from Nanostring Technology.
For further details on the purchase of any and all related products from Nanostring, please contact:
Christine Hipsky,
NanoString Applications Specialist
a basic otline of products and costs are given below:
Full Service
$100.00 per Run RNA /DNA Prep
Pre-Run -PCR
nCounter® Run
$300 per
Contact Jesse Gardner for more details.
Probes / Kits
price subject to change -Contact: Christine Hipsky CS Kits 12 rxns
Contact Jesse Gardner to arrange a time to discuss the proposed project, the purchase of specific kits and the intended time for the samples to be prepared. Please note that no service will be performed without the presentation of an account number and the PI's direct consent. If you have any additional questions about the service or pricing, feel free to contact Jesse Gardner by phone or by email at
Genomics Microarray Service Request Form
The Genomics/ Transcriptomoc facility also provides access to sophisticated analysis software to enhance the researchers ability to more fully analyze their data.
This software is available either in the proteomics core facility itself or at deignated computers scattered within the PSC or NSC
Available Software includes:
• Genespring Microarray Analysis software
• nanoString Analysis software,
Ask Jesse Gardner for more details.