Sonja Young
Lab / Office: PSC 661 / 519
Tel: 404-413-5363
Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Services
Cell, Protein and DNA Core Facilities
About Flow Cytometry, Cell Sorting and Luminex MAGPIX Services
Accuri C6
$25 / hourOption available for most Cytometric Analyses.
$30.00 / hourOption available for most Cytometric Analyses.
LRS Fortessa
$35.00 / hourOption available for most Cytometric Analyses.
$110.00 / hourPlease Consult with Sonja Young for additional options.
Luminex MagPix
$150.00 / hourPlease Consult with "Sandy" Ying-Sin Hsieh for additional options.
$75.00 / PLATE Rec. Plate
Acquire Data
Materials Cost
$150.00 / PLATE Rec. sample
Prepare Plate
Acquire Data
Materials Cost
When preparing your samples, please follow the sample submission guidelines that will be given to you by Sandy. Data is reported within 2-3 business days after samples are received, or within a reaonable, mutually agreed time thereafter. Follow the links below to view the service/training guidelines:
Training on the Accuri C6
Training on the LSRFortessa II and FACSCanto II
Cell Sorting on the FACS Aria II is through SERVICE ONLY -the FACS Aria II is only run by Sandy. Researchers will prepare the samples and may assist with gating parameters. Unused sample and sorted cells will be returned to the researcher upon completion of the sort.
Contact "Sandy" Ying-Sin Hsieh by email to begin the training process on the Accuri C6, LSR Fortessa or FACSCanto II.
If you are requesting Cell Sorting services, please contact "Sandy" Ying-Sin Hsieh by email to discuss your needs and the experiment protocol. Please contact Sandy at least 2 weeks before the actual sort to ensure that there are no scheduling conflicts as sorting cell is a tie-sensitive, labor intensive process. Sorting can be done with 2 day notice, but only if the FACSARIA II and Sandy are available. If you have any questions about the service or pricing, feel free to contact "Sandy" Ying-Sin Hsieh by phone or by email at
A major component of the flow cytometry training process is web based, using some of the following links:
Assorted Videos on Flow Cytometry from BD
Aria-Fortessa-Canto-Accuri Laser-PMT
Comp beads insert instructions
Selecting Reagents for Multicolor Flow Cytometry
BD TechNotes
Titration of Antibodies Protocol
Titration of Antibodies
Additional Flow Cytometry Links
Ask Sonja for more details.