B virus Symptoms and Complications:
All cases of B virus occur following exposure to monkeys, monkey tissues or bodily fluids from an infected person (one case).
Symptoms of B virus typcally appear five days to one month following exposure, although they can begin as soon as three days.
The first signs of B virus infection are flu-like symptoms followed by small blisters around the wound or contact area.
Complications, such as breathing problems and ultimately death can occur.
More specifically, symptoms include “vesicular skin lesions at or near the exposure site; aching; chills and other flu-like symptoms; persistent fever; Muscle ache; nausea; lethargy; chest pain and difficult breathing;and neurological symptoms -such as itching or tingling at or near the exposure site, numbness, dizziness, double vision, difficult swallowing and confusion.” Other symptoms may occur as well.
Treatment is critical, as coma, respiratory failure and death quickly result otherwise. (from Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research: Biology and Management pp 395).
For additional information, please refer to CDC B virus, signs & symptoms
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