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Assamese macaque

Distinguishing Characteristics:
The coat of Assamese macaques varies from yellowish to dark brown. The face is hairless, and the skin is red in adults.

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- male: 431-587mm (17.0-23.1in)
- female: 538-730mm (21.2-28.7in)
- male: 4.9-8.6kg (10.8-19.0lb)
- female: 7.9-15.0kg (17.4-33.1lb)

Nepal to Viet Nam to Southern China
Monsoon, montane, evergreen, bamboo, and duciduous dry forest at 300-3500m(984-11,484ft) elevation

Fruit, young leaves, insects, crops, and mammal prey

Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrtial. These macaques have been observed frequenting the high canopy


Assamese macaque 2

Distinguishing Characteristics:
The coat of Assamese macaques varies from yellowish to dark brown. The face is hairless, and the skin is red in adults.

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- male: 431-587mm (17.0-23.1in)
- female: 538-730mm (21.2-28.7in)
- male: 4.9-8.6kg (10.8-19.0lb)
- female: 7.9-15.0kg (17.4-33.1lb)

Nepal to Viet Nam to Southern China
Monsoon, montane, evergreen, bamboo, and duciduous dry forest at 300-3500m(984-11,484ft) elevation

Fruit, young leaves, insects, crops, and mammal prey

Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrtial. These macaques have been observed frequenting the high canopy


Barbary Macaque

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Barbary macaques are yellowish gray to grayish brown. The underparts are paler and the face is dark. They have no tail.

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- Male: 450mm (17.7in)
- Female: 550-600mm (21.7-23.6in)

- Male: 10.2-11.0kg (22.5-24.2lb)
- Female: 15.3-17.0kg (33.7-37.5lb)

Morroco, Algeria, Gibraltar
Mixed cedar and holm oak or cork ork forest up to 1600-2160m (5260-7087ft)

Acorns; bark, cones, and needles of cedar trees; mushrooms; bulbs; animal prey, including insects, other invertebrates, and amphibians. The diet changes seasonally.

Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrtial. These macaques forage in trees, on the ground, and even under rocks. Males associate with infants soon after birth. There is little male aggression


Barbary Macaque 2

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Barbary macaques are yellowish gray to grayish brown. The underparts are paler and the face is dark. They have no tail.

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- Male: 450mm (17.7in)
- Female: 550-600mm (21.7-23.6in)

- Male: 10.2-11.0kg (22.5-24.2lb)
- Female: 15.3-17.0kg (33.7-37.5lb)

Morroco, Algeria, Gibraltar
Mixed cedar and holm oak or cork ork forest up to 1600-2160m (5260-7087ft)

Acorns; bark, cones, and needles of cedar trees; mushrooms; bulbs; animal prey, including insects, other invertebrates, and amphibians. The diet changes seasonally.

Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrtial. These macaques forage in trees, on the ground, and even under rocks. Males associate with infants soon after birth. There is little male aggression


Bonnet Macaque

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Bonnet macaques have a grayish brown back and a well-defined circular cap. The tail is two-thirds the length of the body.

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- Male: 375-480mm (14.8-18.9in)
- Female: 450-590mm (17.7-23.2in)

- Male: 3.9-4.4kg (8.6-9.8lb)
- Female: 5.4-8.8kg (11.9-19.5lb)

Wet lowland to dry deciduous forest up to 2134m (7002ft). Bonnet macaques also live near urban areas and temples.

Fruit, 47-53$; seeds, leaves, flowers, and animal prey, including insects, lizards, and frogs. Bonnet macaques eat 39 plant species, as well as raid crops and eat what humans offer at temples.

Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrtial. Bonnet macaques are good swimmers. They search the ground for insects and chase flying grasshoppers; adult males spend more time on the ground. These macaques sit in contact with others or huddle together when they rest.


Bonnet Macaque 2

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Bonnet macaques have a grayish brown back and a well-defined circular cap. The tail is two-thirds the length of the body.

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- Male: 375-480mm (14.8-18.9in)
- Female: 450-590mm (17.7-23.2in)

- Male: 3.9-4.4kg (8.6-9.8lb)
- Female: 5.4-8.8kg (11.9-19.5lb)

Wet lowland to dry deciduous forest up to 2134m (7002ft). Bonnet macaques also live near urban areas and temples.

Fruit, 47-53$; seeds, leaves, flowers, and animal prey, including insects, lizards, and frogs. Bonnet macaques eat 39 plant species, as well as raid crops and eat what humans offer at temples.

Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrtial. Bonnet macaques are good swimmers. They search the ground for insects and chase flying grasshoppers; adult males spend more time on the ground. These macaques sit in contact with others or huddle together when they rest.


Sulawesi-Booted Macaque

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Booted macaques have ocherous gray on the forearms and hind limbs. The body is black, with a gray rump patch. Infants are brown and change to black gradually.

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- Male: 500mm (19.7in)
- Female: 590mm (23.2in)

Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Tropical forest.

Fruit. Booted macaques raid cacao crops.

Diurnal and arboreal. Poisoned bait is used to kill booted macaques that raid cacao plantations.


Sulawesi -Black (-Crested) Macaque

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Celebes black macaques are all black, with a short tail, long hair that forms a pointed crest on the head, and high bony cheek ridges

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- Male: 445-550mm (17.5-21.7in)
- Female: 520-570mm (20.5-22.4in)

Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Primary and secondary tropical forest.

Fruit, bud, sprouts, and insects, including caterpillars. These macaques use 120 plant species.

Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrtial. Black macaques show less agonistic behavior (3.6 agonistic interactions/hour) than stump-tailed macaques. During aggressive encounters, biting is rare and not performed by adult males. In a captive study, coalitions were rarely observed. Females have a mutual embrace in which they meet head to tail and sniff each other's genitals like dogs.


Formosan Rock Macaque

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Formosan rock macaques have a dark brown coat and "moderately long tail." They are endemic to Taiwan.

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- Male: 400-500mm (15.7-19.7in)
- Female: 450-550mm (17.7-21.7in)

- Male: 4.9kg (10.9lb)
- Female: 6kg (13.2lb)

Mixed coniferous-hardwood temperate forest, as well as bamboo and grassland at 100-3600m (328-11,812ft).

Fruit, leaves, animal prey, buds, young shoots. These macaques reportedly raid crops.

Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrtial. Formosan rock macaques rest in forest and forage in grassland. High-ranking matrilines have more reproductive success. Habitat destruction rather than hunting is the greatest risk to the population.


Japanese "snow" Macaque

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Japanese macaques are brown to gray and have a red face and bottom and a short tail.

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- Male: 472-601mm (18.6-23.7in)
- Female: Female: 535-607mm (21.1-23.9in)

- Male: 8.3-18.0kg (18.3-39.7lb)
- Female: 11.0-18.0kg (24.2-39.7lb)

Subtropical to subalpine, deciduous, broadleaf, and ever green forest of Japan below 1500m (4922ft). This macaque lives at the northernmost latitude of any nonhuman primate. An introduced free-ranging population has lived in Texas (USA) since 1972.

Fruit, seeds, leaves, bark, fungi, bird eggs, and invertebrates such as snails and cray fish.

Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrtial. Japanese macaques are good swimmers. This species often invades human territories, including hot thermal baths in the winter.


Japanese Macaque

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Japanese macaques are brown to gray and have a red face and bottom and a short tail.

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- Male: 472-601mm (18.6-23.7in)
- Female: Female: 535-607mm (21.1-23.9in)

- Male: 8.3-18.0kg (18.3-39.7lb)
- Female: 11.0-18.0kg (24.2-39.7lb)

Subtropical to subalpine, deciduous, broadleaf, and ever green forest of Japan below 1500m (4922ft). This macaque lives at the northernmost latitude of any nonhuman primate. An introduced free-ranging population has lived in Texas (USA) since 1972.

Fruit, seeds, leaves, bark, fungi, bird eggs, and invertebrates such as snails and cray fish.

Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrtial. Japanese macaques are good swimmers. This species often invades human territories, including hot thermal baths in the winter.


Japanese Macaque

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Japanese macaques are brown to gray and have a red face and bottom and a short tail.

Physical Characteristics:
Head and body length
- Male: 472-601mm (18.6-23.7in)
- Female: Female: 535-607mm (21.1-23.9in)

- Male: 8.3-18.0kg (18.3-39.7lb)
- Female: 11.0-18.0kg (24.2-39.7lb)

Subtropical to subalpine, deciduous, broadleaf, and ever green forest of Japan below 1500m (4922ft). This macaque lives at the northernmost latitude of any nonhuman primate. An introduced free-ranging population has lived in Texas (USA) since 1972.

Fruit, seeds, leaves, bark, fungi, bird eggs, and invertebrates such as snails and cray fish.

Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrtial. Japanese macaques are good swimmers. This species often invades human territories, including hot thermal baths in the winter.


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