Hyuk-Kyu Seoh, PhD
Core Manager
The Cell, Protein and DNA Core facilities at Georgia State University are located in downtown Atlanta and provide a centralized access to one of the principle units of the Advanced Biotechnology Core Facilities that are scatterered around the University. The CP&D facilities are presently staffed by full-time PhD. and Masters level research technicians who are on hand to help with any requests relating to instrumentation and specific services within the facilities.
As one of several facilities in the State that were initiated through, and sponsored by, the Georgia Research Alliance, the CP&D core facilities (within the ABCore facilities) at GSU oversee and maintain a considerable number of sophisticated, analytical and quantitative tools that provide academic researchers within the university (and in local industries) the capability and technological expertise to pursue their molecular-based research goals.
In addition, the CP&D facilities also contribute to- and support- the technology used within many of the molecular-based undergraduate and graduate teaching laboratories around campus.
The Cell, Protein and DNA core facilities are primarily housed on the 5th and 6th floors of the Petit Science Center (since April, 2010), but also administer and support laboratories on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Natural Science Center (1993) as well as the 4th floor of the Science Annex